About Tomasz CEDRO

Full name: Tomasz Bolesław CEDRO
Born: December 23, 1982
Place of birth: Warsaw, Poland, Europe, Planet Earth, Solar System, Milky Way Galaxy :-)
AstroSign: Capricorn
Website: http://www.tomek.cedro.info
Ham-Radio: SQ7MHZ


In this beautiful world I am learning how to survive with my constantly evolving entrepreneurship skills as Independent ICT R&D expert. In a world of science I am working on my PhD in Electronics / Telemedicine. I have finished Warsaw University of Technology at Electronics and Information Technology Faculty, under supervision of Research Group on Biocybernetic Aparatus, where I got MSc in Electronics and Information Technology in Medical Sciences (2011) and BSc in Electronics and Computer Design (2009). At WUT I was also founder of the Cybernetic Research Student Group and member of the Student Space Engineering Scientific Group and Student Scientific Group on Biomedical Engineering and Nuclear Medicine. I am founder of Polish Interdisciplinary NEUROSCIENCE Gorup. I am board of directors member of Polish Telemedicine and e-Health Society. Before University I have finished Technical Highshool of Electronics in Kielce City where I grew up – I have very good memories about that place, time and people.

My free moments, this very rare gift, I spend on developing my skills and abilities, broadening my mind and verification knowledge about the world that surrounds me. Progress and honest work is the only way to reach future. I am a futurist, science and technology enthusiast. I usually want to know reason and goal of my actions. I like to see effects of my work in a reasonable time period. Ability to create and invent is the best gift I could ever get. I honor individualism over society. Sometimes I live in better relations with machines than with humans. What is more, I don’t understand most of social mechanisms and I’m not sad about that. But still, I learn to understand people – Diamond Way Buddhism is the best school of minds I have found so far, also the most interesting way of living with other people.

I can walk hard over the Earth. I can be stubborn and don’t give up fast. If I only see the reason, I don’t see any difficulties. I like changes and challenges. I don’t like stagnation and I don’t have chance being bored. But I also like walking along stable ground. If I don’t know or can’t do something yet.. it’s the best reason to learn it. Gaining skills and knowledge is a very pleasant task. Instead of running away from problems I try to resolve their source. I like and respect hard working people that know their own goals in their life and simply realize them.

I’m learning how to move over the ground and flip the world upside down :-) In 2013 I did a Glider Pilot Training. In 2014 I have started Airplane Pilot Training. SkyDive adventure started in 2012 (now license PJ B / USPA C) keeps my mind focused and active. I also like sport shooting.  Some time ago, when I had more leisure time, I was training Capoeira. I like this sport a lot because of its speed, agility and good health condition requirement. I respect and I do care about health – bad times when I lost it taught me that healthy spirit lives in a healthy body. That is why I try to live healthy and optimistic – not everyone knows that every day can be their last one on this planet. I also like riding a bike and motorcycle. But what I care most is freedom and independence – as it can be seen in most of my decisions. I also know how to be part of well organized group with systematic approach and precisely defined goals.

That’s it. If You want to know more, simply ask. If you think you know more about me than I do, think again.

Jung Typology Estimation

INTJ (Introvertic iNtuitive Thinking Judging)

INTJ are extremely analytical individuals. They prefer working alone than with other people, they are also not as social as others, but they can take over the ledership if no one can cope with a problem, or if they find critical weakness of the actual leader. They are very pragmatic and logic thinkers, with low tolerance on temperamental or defensive emotionalism. Usually neither vulnerable to propaganda, nor authority based upon a tradition, rank or title. Particularly INTJ are independent thinkers, strong individualism and creativity. People with that kind of personality requires autonomy and creativity freedom in their work. They also feel strong need to express themselves with a process of creation and conceptual development of their intellectual desires. Analytical approach and easily formulating complex theories is their strongest attribute.

Curriculum Vitae



[2015+] CeDeROM Tomasz CEDRO. Independent ICT R&D

  • Founder and Owner.
  • Electronics: Design, Analysis, Prototyping, Testing, Reverse-Engineering.
  • Programming: Unix BSD/GNU, Embedded Systems, Mobile (Android).
  • Networks: Design, Implementation, Administration, Management, Hosting.
  • Consulting/Training/Seminars: ICT, R&D, IoT, eHealth, Smart (Embedded) Systems.
  • Research: ICT, IoT, eHealth, Smart (Embedded) Systems, bioCybernetics.

[2015+] IQCREDO SP. Z O.O.

  • Chief Executive Officer and Founder.
  • Intelligent e-Health / m-Health solutions Start-Up.
  • Smart Physiology Platform for Women (ongoing).
  • IQBobas: Mobile Manual for Mother and Baby.

[2017] Orange POLSKA, ITN Expert

  • NDA

[2015-2016] Orange Paris / Orange Labs Warsaw, Chief R&D Architect

  • NDA

[2012-2015] Orange / Orange Labs Warsaw, Chief R&D Specialist

  • NDA

[2009-2012] Polish Telecom R&D / Orange Labs Warsaw, Senior R&D Specialist

  • NDA

[2008-2009] Polish Telecom R&D, R&D Specialist

  • NDA

[2007] Termicom

  • Recognition and implementation of Company-Management-Systems web applications (BugZilla3, Wiki, Groupware, TimeTracker).
  • Payment applications testing (MSC, EMV, GPA, APACS, PLC_ISO, Sagem, Polcard)
  • Project and implementation od SDK/IDE for payment terminals (Ingenico/Millenium) basing on existing company libraries and tools. Integration with Eclipse by plugin and commandline. Access via CVS repository.

CeDeROM: Freelance / Independent ICT R&D

  • Computer hardware and software related activities.
  • Electronics design, prototyping and modifications per request.
  • Open-Source / Free-Software implementation, agitation, support and development.
  • NuttX RTOS Apche PMC member. Apache NuttX is a real-time operating system (RTOS) with an emphasis on standards compliance and small footprint. Scalable from 8-bit to 64-bit microcontroller environments, the primary governing standards in NuttX are POSIX and ANSI standards. Additional standard APIs from Unix and other common RTOSs (such as VxWorks) are adopted.
  • Ported LimeSuite utilities to FreeBSD OS.
  • OrangeADE – Orange Autonomous Device Evaluation platform created for Orange POLSKA CERT/SOC.
  • IQBobas – an interactive eHealth mobile manual on how to prepare for a birth and child care (Android application) created with my friend dr Grzegorz POŁUDNIEWSKI.
  • Ported HackRF(One) utilities to FreeBSD OS.
  • Technical Staff, IT Consultant, Jugde Assistant at 15th FAI World Helicopter Championships.
  • iCeDeROM (In-Circuit Evaluate Debug and Edit for Research on Microelectronics) – a Swiss Army Knife Multi-Tool for Digital Electronics – is a platform and hardware independent python-based low-level development and analysis software utility to work with microelectronic devices such as embedded and computer systems.
  • LibSWD – written from scratch in GNU/C+Autotools, first hardware and platform independent, BSD-licensed Open-Source software library for ARM’s Serial Wire Debug protocol.
  • FreeBSD kernel patch to recognise KT-LINK FT2232 based USB dongle.
  • Ported OpenOCD (Open On-Chip-Debugger) to FreeBSD.
  • SSETI ESEO OBDH CANBRD – design and prototype of CAN Board for On Board Data Handling Computer for SSETI ESEO student satellite.
  • Midi Modular Controller (MIDI-MC) – a self designed remote control console prototype with analog and digital knobs using MIDI bus/protocol.
  • Creating Matlab Drivers – discovery of a smart method to write custom hardware drivers for free.
  • Świerszcz 1 – a stratospheric baloon mission for pico-satellite testing.
  • Detonator and Detonator2 – design and prototype of electronic device for synchronous fireworks deployment.
  • Design and implementation of mobile Live Audio-Video streaming system, Linux+VLC+uHTTPD+USB based.
  • Various dedicated websites based on pure HTML and/or PHP/CMS.
  • Creation of PHP web engine that helps creating, managing and displaying content (parse ala wiki). This service was at first running on my own servers, then moved to commercial hosting.
  • Construct, administration and maintenance of over 40 workstations local network. Other network activities (one of the first civil Internet networks association in Kielce city in 2000).
  • LanManager – simple application for Linux/IPTables with WebGUI to control and maintenance of local network access.
  • Construct of sophisticated monitoring system with over 60 cameras, based on SAMSUNG CCTV technology.
  • Medical data exchange system in hospital, construct assist.
  • Message-based live broadcast system design: Flash-XML-Jabber-PHP-SQL.
  • Consulting and testing efficiency of Tomcat and WebSphere with different databases (MySQL and PostgreSQL).
  • Other projects as presented on my personal website http://www.tomek.cedro.info


  • Work in progress on PhD. Specialization: Electronics / Telemedicine.
  • MSc at Warsaw University of Technology, Electronics and Information Technologies Faculty, Research Group on Biocybernetic Aparatus. Specialization: Electronics and Information Technology in Medicine.
  • BSc at Warsaw University of Technology, Electronics and Information Technologies Faculty, Research Group on Biocybernetic Aparatus. Specialization: Electronics and Computer Design.
  • Electronics Technician at Kielce Technical Highschool of Electronics. Specialization: General Electronics.

Groups and Organizations




  1. Doniec RJ, Piaseczna NJ, Szymczyk KA, Jacennik B, Sieciński S, Mocny-Pachońska K, Duraj K, Cedro T, Tkacz EJ, Glinkowski WM, “Experiences of the Telemedicine and eHealth Conferences in Poland – A Cross-National Overview of Progress in Telemedicine”. Applied Sciences. 2023; 13(1):587. https://doi.org/10.3390/app13010587..
  2. T.Cedro, M.Kuzia, A.Grzanka, “LibSWD serial wire debug open framework for low-level embedded systems access”, Computer Science and Information Systems (FedCSIS), 2012 Federated Conference on, IEEE eXplore Digital Library, 9-12 Sept. 2012. 
  3. T.Cedro, A.Grzanka, “CeDeROM Brain Computer Interface”, Information Technologies in Biomedicine Lecture Notes in Computer Science Volume 7339, 2012, pp 219-231, Print ISBN 978-3-642-31195-6, Online ISBN 978-3-642-31196-3, Series Volume 7339, Series ISSN 0302-9743, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, June 2012.
  4. Tomasz CEDRO, Janusz FRĄCZEK, Krzysztof CHOJNOWSKI, Ryszard GOMÓŁKA, Tomasz KAMIŃSKI, Łukasz CZUPRYNIAK, Piotr TĄKIEL, Antoni GRZANKA, “Brain Computer Interface”, XXXI Konferencja Elektroniki i Telekomunikacji Studentow i Mlodych Pracownikow Nauki, SECON 2012, Wojskowa Akademia Techniczna, Materialy Konferencyjne. ISBN 978-83-62954-35-3. Warszawa 2012.


  1. Telemedicine and eHealth 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 – Conference Co-Organizer, Technical/IT Coordinator and Leader.
  2. T.Cedro, G.Południewski, “Technology Selection Impact on eHealth R&D”, IQCREDO SP. Z O.O., Telemedicine and eHealth 2022, Warsaw, Poland.
  3. T.Cedro, G.Południewski, “System for Women’s PhysiologyMonitoring”, IQCREDO SP. Z O.O., Telemedicine and eHealth 2021, Warsaw, Polans, September 17-18 2021.
  4. T.Cedro, G.Południewski, “System for Women’s PhysiologyMonitoring”, IQCREDO SP. Z O.O., Telemedicine and eHealth 2020, Warsaw, Poland, September 18 2020.
  5. G. Południewski, T. Cedro, Mobilna instrukcja obsługi dziecka “IQBobas”, IQCREDO SP. Z O.O., Telemedicine and eHealth 2015, Warsaw, Poland, 29-30 September 2015.
  6. T.Cedro, M.Baszun, A.Grzanka, Własne sterowniki dla Matlab, Polskie Towarzystwo Telemedycyny i eZdrowia, Polska Interdycyplinarna Grupa NEUROSCIENCE, Zespół Aparatury Biocybernetycznej, Wydział Elektroniki i Technik Informacyjnych, Politechnika Warszawska, Warszawa, Telemedicine and eHealth 2015, Warsaw, Poland, 29-30 September 2015.
  7. T.Cedro, “CeDeROM Brain Computer Interface”, Biomedical Engineering Scientific Symposium, Bio-Tech 2013, Lublin, 27 November 2013.
  8. T.Cedro, G.Misiołek, “BioCybernetic Robot with Brain Computer Interface Technology for Space Applications”, II Conference on Aerospace Robotics (CARO’2), Warsaw, Poland, 1-2 July 2013.
  9. T.Cedro, M.Kuzia, A.Grzanka, “LibSWD serial wire debug open framework for low-level embedded systems access”, Federated Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems, Wrocław, Poland, September 2012.
  10. T.Cedro, A.Grzanka, “CeDeROM Brain Computer Interface”, 3rd International Conference on Information Technologies in Biomedicine, Kamień Śląski, Poland, June 2012.
  11. T.Cedro, A.Grzanka, “Comparison of Low-Cost Brain Computer Interface systems”, XXX-th IEEE-SPIE Joint Symposium on Photonics, Web Engineering, Electronics for Astronomy and High Energy Physics Experiments, Wilga Village, 28.05.2012 – 02.06.2012.
  12. T.Cedro, A.Grzanka, “Brain Computer Interface Open Protocol”, XXX-th IEEE-SPIE Joint Symposium on Photonics, Web Engineering, Electronics for Astronomy and High Energy Physics Experiments, Wilga Village, 28.05.2012 – 02.06.2012.
  13. Tomasz CEDRO, Janusz FRĄCZEK, Krzysztof CHOJNOWSKI, Ryszard GOMÓŁKA, Tomasz KAMIŃSKI, Łukasz CZUPRYNIAK, Piotr TĄKIEL, Antoni GRZANKA, “Brain Computer Interface”, XXXI Konferencja Elektroniki i Telekomunikacji Studentow i Mlodych Pracownikow Nauki, SECON 2012, Wojskowa Akademia Techniczna, Marzec 2012.
  14. 6th Warsaw International Medical Congress for Young Scientists, Warsaw, Poland 2010 – Conference Co-Organizer, Telemedicine and Medical Imaging Session Coordinator.
  15. T.Cedro, “CeDeROM BCI”, 1st Student Conference of Electronics and Information Technologies Faculty Warsaw University of Technology, Warsaw, Poland, 2010.
  16. 4th Baltic Sea Region Conference in Medical Sciences Warsaw, Poland, 2009 – Conference Co-Organizer, Biomedicine Session Coordinator.
  17. T.Cedro, “ARM based biomedical signal acquisition system”, 4th Baltic Sea Region Conference in Medical Sciences Warsaw, Poland, 2009.


  1. W.Glinkowski, M.Karlińska, R.Mężyk, T.Cedro, P.Masiarz, “Opieka na łączach”, Ogólnopolski System Ochrony Zdrowia / National Health Care System Magazine, 3/2013.
  2. T.Cedro, M.Kuzia, “A Bits’ Life”, Hakin9 Mobile, 02/2012.



  1. Hard Skills: ICT and High-Risk R&D, Contact point of Open-Source Software/Hardware, Embedded Systems, IoT, RTOS, Device Drivers, Tools Development, Unix, Electronics, Design, Prototyping, Modifications, QA, Security, Computer Software Development and Testing.
  2. Soft Skills: Founder, Entrepreneur, Team Leader, Project Manager.


  • Operating systems: BSD (FreeBSD, OpenBSD, PC-BSD, NetBSD), macOS, Android, Linux (Debian, Ubuntu, Slackware, Gentoo, SuSe, RedHat, Mandrake, CentOS), QNX, SunOS, RTOS, Windows.
  • Programming languages: C/C++, (Micro)Python, Sh/Bash/BSD/GNU, ASM, PHP, Pascal.
  • Development tools: Open-Souce Unix/BSD/MIT/Apache/GNU, Kivy, AndroidStudio, XCode,  Matlab/Scilab/Octave/NumPy, Eclipse, IntlliJ, Delphi, C++ Builder, Kylix.
  • Networking / internet: TCP/IP, HTML/CSS/JS, SQL (MySQL, PostgreSQL), CMS (WordPress, Joomla), Apache, Nginx, Tomcat, SQL, BIND, Samba, FTP, infrastructure: desing, construct, modernization, maintenance.
  • Graphics: GIMP, gs, dia, Blender, Inkscape, Godot, OpenOffice/LibreOffice Draw,  Photoshop, Corel Draw/Photopaint, 3D Studio, Adobe Premiere.
  • Multimedia: OBS, OpenShot, KDEnLive, ffmpeg, gstreamer, vlc, Soundtracker, FastTracker, ImpulseTracker, ReNoise, Reason, Traktor, SoundForge.
  • Hardware: wide knowledge of computer systems hardware and software design, experience in servicing computer systems.


  • Microcontrollers: RISC-V, ARM, MIPS, MCS-51 (Atmel, Dallas), AVR (Atmel), PIC, MSP. Microcontroller systems design, construct, prototyping, validation and modification.
  • RTOS: NuttX, MicroPython, Zephyr, FreeRTOS, mbed.
  • Data exchange: Bluetooth / BLE, RS232, RS485, I2C, SPI, CAN, USB, Ethernet, WiFi, 1Wire, SWD, JTAG, Parallel.
  • Logical devices: Verilog, *HDL/VHDL/AHDL.
  • Hardware and tools: Basic and advanced electronics laboratory tools. Prototyping ability.
  • CAD: KiCAD, FreeCAD, CURA, Z-Suite, Eagle, Protel, AutoTrax, PSpice, EWB, CircuitMaker, DesignWorks, Cadence.
  • Power: Operator (E1/2023) and Supervisor (D1/2023) of power devices and networks of group 1 involving operation, maintenance, repairs, assembly or disassembly, control and measurement of the following devices, installations and networks: 1) electric power generating devices connected to the power transmission or distribution network, regardless the rated voltage, 2) power devices, installations and grid of the rated voltage up to 1kV; 6) generator sets with power of more than 50kW; 8) electrolysis machines; 9) electric street lighting; 11 ) explosion-proof electrical equipment; 13) control and measurement instruments as well as equipment and systems of automatic control and protection for the devices and installations referred to in points 1,2,6,8,9,11.

Other Skills

  • Languages: Native Polish, English spoken and written, technical, FCE, B2.
  • Driving licenseCategory B (automobile/2000), A (motorcycle/2009).
  • SkyDive License PL PJ(B) + USPA (C/2018, B/2014), FAI (2018), UAVO (2020). European Canopy Formation.
  • Sport Shooting Instructor (2018) and Judge (Class 2/2022, 3/2018).
  • Glider Pilot Theoretical and Practical Training.
  • Airplane Pilot Theoretical Training.
  • Wannabe: Pilot, Aviation/Aerospace R&D, Astronaut? :-)
  • Wannabe: Language Master in Spanish, Japanese, Chinese, Russian, Dutch, French, German.


  • Science, technology, universe, arts, aviation, skydive, aerospace, astronomy, music, diamond way buddhism, extreme sports, ham radio (SQ7MHZ), Unix/BSD, retro-computers, bio-cybernetics.