OpenSC breaks GnuPG/SC on OSX

If you happen to work on OSX with MacPorts and GPGTools using SmartCard for SSH then installing OpenSC (0.16.0 in my case) will break your smart card access for GPG/SSH. If you remove OpenSC with an uninstall utility things get back to normal.

FreeBSD sFTP SSHD chroot nologin

There are situations when you have a nice server out there, and you want/need someone to upload important files, but you only want to give them a minimal access to the system. You can use SSHD with sFTP and /sbin/nologin shell for that in chroot environment (dedicated limited userspace). Note that SCP in fact requires a working shell, so you need to use sFTP in this case..

Create a new user account with existing ftp group and /sbin/nologin shell:

# adduser

Alternatively you can modify an existing account to share:

# pw groupmod ftp -m username
# pw usermod username -s /sbin/nologin

You need to set correct permissions to the user home directory and public directory inside for upload:

# chown root:wheel /home/username
# mkdir /home/username/public
# chown username:ftp /home/username/public

Now modify the SSHD server configuration file /etc/ssh/sshd_config and append:

Match Group ftp
        ChrootDirectory         /home/%u
        ForceCommand            internal-sftp
        AllowTcpForwarding      no
        PermitTunnel            no
        X11Forwarding           no

Remember to restart the SSHD in order to apply new configuration:

# service sshd restart

Once the account is not necessary anymore remember to remove it:

# pw userdel username