Android Open Source and Hardware Obsolescence

Why only NEXUS devices are sensible choice for Advanced Android Users and Developers? Because NEXUS device vendors provide source code and device drivers.

This makes is possible to re-compile and re-create any customization of the Android by advanced users and developers. The most popular among them is CyanogenMod based on AOSP (Android Open Source Project).

Why is such customization really necessary? Because Vendors does not keep up with the Android development, their releases are flawed, contains unwanted modifications, quite often development is abandoned just after product release.

I know that Drivers Development is time and money consuming task for Vendors. Still, providing source code for device drivers would make it possible to run alternative and/or customized OS, also prolong device life for second-hand users in poor countries. Vendor sells the device anyway and Users can make fixes and customization. Why this Win-Win scheme is so hard to achieve in reality? Is really enforcing sales with mass garbage so important?

KT-LINK FT2232H based interface on FreeBSD

I have created a simple patch for FreeBSD Operating System to detect and support FT2232H based KT-LINK interface. FTDI chips are already supported using uftdi driver and they can provide various serial and parallel protocols over USB such as RS232, JTAG, SWD, SPI, I2C, 1Wire, etc. My patch allows to use RS232 port on the KT-LINK which in conjunction with Minicom terminal software allows to talk to the Serial Console Port on various embedded systems. KT-LINK is really nice inexpensive (50EUR) and versatile tool for embedded system developers, now it became all-in-one tool on my FreeBSD box :-)

Własne Sterowniki do Matlab

Tworząc nowe urządzenia czy systemy o dużym stopniu zaawansowania, musimy posiadać mechanizm weryfikacji wyników, którym może być MATLAB. Aby przesyłać dane do matlaba, można wykorzystać gotowe toolbox’y które obsługują jedynie standardowy sprzęt lub samemu napisać sterownik własnego urządzenia – co daje większe możliwości w dostosowaniu metody do potrzeb, nie wymaga też żadnych dodatkowych licencji.

Typ: Otwarty
Status: Zakończony

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